Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here with more hot intel dope on the North Korean/South Korean/U.S. response to the sinking of the ROKS Cheonan.

Thanks again to Harry and the web site Sharkhunters:

"We are all aware that tensions are running high since North Korea apparently torpedoed a South Korean destroyer with each side rattling their sabres louder and louder while the world watches, holding their breath . . . At this moment, it looks like things could get much worse before they get better."

Thanks to a source through MARCONI courtesy of Sharkhunters we have this:

"Frantic activity over the last 12 hours on most Mil and Naval frequencies heard in my area. Also increased Japanese and US Mil activity notes in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea."

Devoted readers to the blog will be kept appraised as more is learned. This affair is NOT cooling down - - this has the potentiality to heat up? And big time too!!


1 comment:

  1. Though tensions are extremely high, arguably as high as it was during the USS Pueblo Incident and the Axe Murder Incident, I doubt that there will be a war.

    China doesn't want instability in the region, nor a WWIII, so it's going to demand North Korea to not invade. North Korea has no choice but to comply because without China's support in the future, they are going to even have a worse country in the future. The little economic "development" and "sustainability" they have is all because of trade with China.

    Also I'm hoping there's no war, because like the Taepodong "crsis" a few years ago, war would cause the death of my relatives in South Korea, as well as my fellow ethnic Koreans, both North and South.
