Friday, May 21, 2010


This is coolbert:


A Maginot line in the Middle East? The old ways are the best ways?

Here thanks to the DEBKAfile:

"Syria, Hizballah build a fortified wall in E. Lebanon"

"15 May: This massive fortification will run from Rashaya Al Wadi on the western slopes of Mt. Hermon in the south to the Lebanese Beqaa Valley town of Aita el-Foukhar, in the north, DEBKAfile's military sources reveal. When finished, the 22-km long structure running parallel to the Lebanese-Syrian border will be one of the biggest fortified structures in the Middle East, designed to block off any Israeli tank thrust through Lebanon to Damascus

"sources report that the project is so immense and the work so intensive, that shops in Damascus have run out of cement, forcing many other construction works in Syria to a standstill."

In case of push comes to shove and there is overt war between Israel and the Hezbollah/Syrian connection, this "wall", this fortification will act as a significant barrier, countering a possible massive attack by Israeli Merkava tanks, destination downtown Damascus??

From the timeless verities of combat as listed by Trevor Dupuy:

# 6. "Defenders chances of success are directly proportional to fortification strength." "At the very least fortifications will delay an attacker and add to his casualties, at best, fortifications will enable the defender to defeat the attacker."

Can't people just learn to get along?

NO, they can't!!


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