Sunday, May 30, 2010


This is coolbert:

Those Maoist insurrectionists of India, forest guerrillas, draw a degree of inspiration not ONLY from Mao, but also from a home-grown phenomenon, the Dacoits of India?

"Dacoit . . . means 'a bandit'. ('A member of a class of robbers in India and Burma, who plunder in armed bands.')"

Dacoits, roaming bands of brigands, armed and dangerous. Having the forests of India as a sanctuary. A "phenomenon", actually a tradition, having an ancient lineage? Roaming forest bandits operating in "units"!

A tradition in some ways reminiscent of the hajduks of eastern Europe?

Dacoits, groups of bandits and thugs, even having a para-military aspect to the their gangsterism, engaging in traditional criminal behavior, but with an Indian twist. Banditry and criminal behavior to include:

* Poaching.
* Timber smuggling.
* Extortion.
* Kidnapping for ransom.

The dacoit, operating out of forest sanctuary, in the manner of a guerrilla, most recently epitomized by the "Robin Hood" figure of the recent late Veerappan.

Veerappan used theatrics to achieve a remarkable degree of leadership. Had panache'.
"He was wanted for killing approximately 184 people . . . poaching about 200 elephants . . . smuggling ivory worth . . . and sandalwood . . . evaded arrest for 20 years until he was killed by police in 2004"

Here Veerappan leads a "unit" of dacoits while on "patrol". Notice the standard uniform and kit, weapon! Para-military bandits! NOT mere thugs.

[Veerappan operated out of an area 6,000 kilometers in size. That is about 3,700 square miles. Quite an extensive area to hide in.]

In this photo Veerappan shows off some sort of battle drill, sporting the FN FAL rifle. Probably a captured weapon. The standard rifle as carried by soldiers of the Indian Army.

Veerappan finally tracked down and killed in a gun battle with the Indian Police. Those same folks now in conflict with the Maoist forest guerrillas.

So, the forest guerrillas of India, the Maoists, probably can find sanctuary just as did Veerappan? Seems it would be so.

Incidentally, Veereppan was devoted to the goddess Kali. The same goddess to whom the Thugee strangled victims as a form of worship! Veereppan in a deliberate manner cultivated an image that appealed to a certain spectrum of society?


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