Thursday, April 1, 2010


This is coolbert:
"one of the seven most important men in the world" - - W.S. Churchill.

"It's not about sexual gratification, rather a sexual aggressor using somebody else as a means of expressing their own power and control".

Here from the First World War web site, some particulars regarding the "sexuality", alleged, of T.E. Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia. Disputed allegations that impugn the very character of the man. Better understood when the entire context is made apparent.

"The Disputed Sexuality of T.E. Lawrence"

Lawrence, the great man himself, during his time and after his death, various "sources" and "authorities" claiming that T.E. was a homosexual, repressed or closeted, a sado-masochist, etc. Disreputable behavior only spoken about in "whispers" during the time of the Great War [WW1].

"In recent years the life and achievements of Thomas Edward Lawrence have been somewhat overshadowed by controversial claims published in posthumous biographies concerning his sexual orientation, accusations that he had been a closet or self repressed homosexual."

Lawrence, having been captured [while dressed in mufti] by the Turk, passing himself off as a blond, blue-eyed Circassian, reportedly subjected to torture [flogging] and homosexual rape!!

[in the movie "Lawrence of Arabia" the flogging is not shown but the wounds are made apparent. No mention of homosexual violation even being hinted at!!]

Within the context of how the Turkish army mistreated captured enemy prisoners [especially officers], THAT LAWRENCE MIGHT HAVE BEEN RAPED IN A HOMOSEXUAL MANNER IS NOT INCONSISTENT!!


"In the military context it was a means of stealing a man's honour, a victorious soldier emasculating a vanquished foe in the belief that by forcibly penetrating him he lost his manhood."

"This indignity was more often inflicted on members of the officer class . . ."

"The Ottoman Turks were infamous for inflicting it throughout the Great War on captured enemy troops, beating and gang raping enemy officers often as a matter of due course. Prisons and garrisons often had personnel who specialized in this abuse, although there was nothing homosexual about it."

"The Turkish soldiers perpetrating this war crime certainly never considered themselves gay, like male rapists in prison the act has nothing to do with the sexual orientation of the attacker or victim."

Islam strictly prohibits homosexual acts, whatever the nature. Normally the punishment for committing a homosexual act is DEATH! But that is the religion as taught. What persons do in real life is another thing.

Lawrence was violated - - and lived with this indignity the rest of his life? AN INDIGNITY THAT DOES NOT SUGGEST THAT THE MAN HIMSELF WAS A HOMOSEXUAL.

Lawrence during the war [?] and especially in the aftermath of the war had many enemies. There is no better and EASIER way to destroy the character and reputation of a person than by slander of a sexual nature?

Lawrence was raped - - not a willing participant - - but a legacy of innuendo remains to this day?

That the Turk actually INSTITUTIONALIZED THE PRACTICE of homosexual rape, perpetrated on enemy POW is a revelation and surprise to me? To anyone else for that matter?


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