Friday, April 2, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here is the type of thing that just makes you shake your head with wonder.

Thanks to the British TimesOnLine:

A natural gas pipeline, stretching from Russia into western Europe, a vital element necessary to maintain the modern life-style and prosperity as enjoyed by Europeans, threatened by Swedish military action - - FROM THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO!!

"Shipwrecks and World War Two bombs threaten £6bn pipeline"

"In 1715 the Swedes filled 20 of their largest vessels with stones, sailed them southeast of the island of RĂ¼gen, which now belongs to Germany, and sank them. The result was a chain of jagged booby traps more than a kilometre long, that served as a front line defence against the Danes."

This "booby trap", a chain of deliberately sunken ships, filled with ROCKS, the result of military action FROM THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO, is now an obstacle, blocking the proposed path of an absolutely necessary natural gas pipeline!

This original article in the TimesOnLine was from almost two years ago. The problem has been resolved? Natural gas will flow as intended, in 2015? Or will the Swedes still have "their day"?


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