Saturday, April 17, 2010


This is coolbert:

The comments of this American general officer, retired, General Sheehan, has raised hackles in some quarters. It may even be that the Dutch government has filed a demarche over this matter?

"dé·marche - - action or gesture by a diplomat, esp. a formal appeal, protest, or the like."

Dutch soldiers, UN peacekeepers, 1995, were partially to blame for the massacre of 8,000 Bosnian men and boys, Srebrenica! So says this American general officer.

Dutch UN peacekeepers, "sissified" to the point where they could not perform a combat mission anymore? "Sissified" in part because of the inclusion of open homosexuals in the ranks of the Dutch troops?

Dutch UN peacekeepers, "sissified", abused and humiliated by Serbian irregulars, having to stand watch while those Bosnians under their protection were herded off to be massacred.

"Gay Dutch soldiers responsible for Srebrenica massacre says US general"

"A former American general blamed 'open homosexuality' in the Dutch army for the failure to prevent the Srebrenica massacre in 1995."

According to General Sheehan [retired]:

"He said this process included 'open homosexuality' which resulted in 'a
focus on peacekeeping operations'"

"The battalion was understrength, poorly led, and the Serbs came
into town, handcuffed the soldiers to the telephone poles, marched
the Muslims off and executed them."

From the exchange in the Senate between Senator Levin and General Sheehan we find remarks:

Levin [incredulously] - - "Did the Dutch leaders tell you it (the fall of Srebrenica) was because there were gay soldiers there?"

Sheehan - - '"Yes,' Sheehan said and added: 'They included that as part of the problem.'"

"Gen Sheehan, who retired from the military in 1997, said he had been
told that by the former chief of staff of the Dutch army."

As was reported in the media at the time of the Srebrenica Massacre, Dutch troops had been overpowered by Serb irregulars, disarmed, STRIPPED NAKED AND RELEASED - - FOR ALL TO SEE - - IN TOTAL HUMILIATION!!

And here from a comment by the Dutchman [?] Kronieker to the Internet story as carried by the Telegraph:

"Some people here in the Netherlands think that Sheehan's remark about gay Dutch soldiers at Srebrenica is probably caused by bad translation of Dutch into English. Sheehan most likely spoke with some Dutch officer who had problems with translating the Dutch" 'mietje' and apparently settled for homo or gay. A better would have been: 'sissy'. What this Dutch officer probably wanted to convey to Sheehan is that, in his opinion these soldiers acted as sissies."

Poor translation is what this all about? Those Dutch UN peacekeepers did not have the numbers, the physical or mental wherewithal, were JUST NOT PREPARED IN THE SLIGHTEST MANNER FOR WHAT TRANSPIRED AT SREBRENICA? That is my appreciation. Gay or not, those Dutchmen were just not ready for what occurred!


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