Friday, March 26, 2010


This is coolbert:

Thanks to RIA NOVOSTI and the tip from Larry:

This could be really big. I am going to follow events as they unfold.

"S.Korean naval ship sinks in Yellow Sea, 40 sailors missing"

"A South Korean naval ship sank in the Yellow Sea near the border with North Korea late on Friday, and more than 40 sailors are missing while 58 were rescued, local media reported."

"The incident involving the Cheonan vessel forced South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to convene an emergency security meeting although there was reportedly no sign that North Korea was involved."

"The Navy, as quoted by the Yonhap news agency, said it has been 'unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the incident' so far. Reports said an explosion in the ship's rear could have ripped a hole in its bottom."

A South Korean naval vessel, "holed" and sinks! With loss of life that is somewhat severe. And occurring in waters that are disputed.

"Naval clashes between the two states over the disputed area took place in 1999, 2002, 2009 and this year."

This could be big!! South Korea will desire revenge and retaliate if this was a pre-meditated attack of some sort?

Keep your eye on this one. But, let us NOT jump to conclusions!!


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