Monday, August 9, 2021

Drogen I.

This is coolbert:

Further of German and Nazi drug use during the Second World War [WW2]. As from a much previous blog entry repeated here with significant editing.

"At first the members of the punishment battalion whistled and sang songs. [But] most of them had collapsed after the first 24 hours." 

NAZI experimentation camp

The perception the German Nazi regime always liked to cultivate is that fascism promoted and advocated the clean way of living. NO smoking, drinking only beer or wine pleasurably and in moderation, a continuous regimen of physical fitness being the order of the day, ascetics the lot of the population, clean living persons of good, even of outstanding health, the natural way of life preferred. 

"Ascetic lifestyle - - a lifestyle characterized by abstinence from various sorts of worldly pleasures" 

As with most other things, this perception was NOT totally accurate. Indeed, for the German military [and prior to the war among the general German populace also] during World War Two [WW2], abusive drug use and an over-indulgence in alcoholic beverage was quite the norm. The use of drugs as stimulants being ENCOURAGED, EVEN ADVOCATED AND EMBRACED AS A WAY TO ACHIEVE VICTORY!! 

"Many of the Wehrmacht's soldiers were high on Pervitin when they went into battle, especially against Poland [1939] and France [1940] -- in a Blitzkrieg fueled by speed. The German military was supplied with millions of methamphetamine tablets during the first half of 1940. The drugs were part of a plan to help pilots, sailors and infantry troops become capable of superhuman performance."

"The military leadership liberally dispensed such stimulants, but also alcohol and opiates. The drug of choice being an amphetamine, Pervitin. Widely available, sold over-the-counter even, and distributed in abundance, no heed being given to debilitating effects. 

Alcohol consumption too was encouraged: "Alcohol, the people's drug, was also popular in the Wehrmacht . . . 'only a fanatic would refuse to give a soldier something that can help him relax and enjoy life after he has faced the horrors of battle, or would reprimand him for enjoying a friendly drink or two with his comrades.'" 

Further experimentation on even more powerful versions of "stimulants" were carried out on concentration camp inmates, the desire on the part of Nazi scientists and doctors again to produce a soldier capable of superhuman effort, all the while in a drug enhanced state!! 

As is noted, debilitating effects too great. The "speed" type of drug when stopped being given results in a severe "down".

Hitler did not drink. Hitler did not smoke. Hitler did not wench. But Hitler it is believed a user of stimulants in a reckless manner actually perhaps his mentality to make reasoned decisions severely compromised.


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