Friday, March 5, 2010

Ad Hoc.

This is coolbert:

"Defense is the stronger form of combat!] - - Clausewitz.

As been mentioned in a previous blog entry, during World War Two [WW2], the German did make use of Luftwaffe [German Air Force] combat GROUND units, field divisions [LwFD]. Dedicated combat units fighting as infantry [used primarily on the Eastern Front].

It should be noted that the use of Luftwaffe "troops" fighting as infantry was not limited exclusively to the LwFD!

Luftwaffe "troops" also saw ground combat in the latter days of WW2 on the Western Front, against allied forces [American and British], "troops", however, not fighting as dedicated air force units, but rather as "troops" incorporated into conventional German divisional-size army units.

German army units best described as ad hoc, or even as ersatz.

"ad hoc - - adj. 1. Formed for or concerned with one specific purpose: an ad hoc compensation committee. 2. Improvised and often impromptu:"

"er·satz- – adjective 2. an artificial substance or article used to replace something natural or genuine; a substitute."

Units of "troops", organized for ground combat in desperate circumstances, a man-power shortage on the part of the German army being extremely acute. Also, the very borders of Germany proper being threatened by advancing enemy armies.

Extraordinary circumstances requiring extraordinary measures as they say.

A German army "division" consisting of:

* A regiment of conventional, trained, experienced, equipped infantry.
* A battery [six guns] of artillery.
* A company [ten tanks] of armor.

Furthermore, a number of battalions, consisting of "troops" best described as "comb outs" or ancillary military personnel. Personnel whose traditional mission had by circumstances been made null and void. Excess man-power sitting idle, without purpose, whose bodies could be put to better use.

* Luftwaffe ground personnel.
* Kriegsmarine sailors.
* Searchlight battery crews.
* Hitler Youth.
* Fortress or reserve personnel. [quite often middle-age or mildly enfeebled]

A German army "division" in name only, severely under-manned and equipped, however, often giving a good account of itself on the battlefield - - WHEN FIGHTING STRICTLY DEFENSIVELY!!

Defense is the stronger form of combat in that it is easier to do and more can be accomplished with less!

Indeed, the decision of Eisenhower for the allied armies to advance [1944-1945] in a cautious manner was in part a decision based upon the understanding by Ike that the German general officer corps was able to organize and employ in combat WITH EFFECTIVENESS such ad hoc units, rendering the possibility of a quick and easy victory over Nazi forces almost nil!

Even Luftwaffe ground units, hastily organized and trained, ill-equipped for the job, BUT COMMANDED BY SUPERIOR GERMAN GENERAL OFFICERS - - ARMY COMMANDERS - - COULD AND DID - - GIVE A GOOD ACCOUNT OF THEMSELVES!


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