Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This is coolbert:

From this prior blog entry, the question was asked:

"Am I over the top here, or is it:

Good training!!"

And the answer is provided by the Chicago Tribune, from today:

"Hunters unleashed on Florida python problem"

"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - - State wildlife officials have created a special python hunting season to try to stop the spread the non-native snakes in the Everglades."

"anyone with a hunting license who pays a $26 permit fee can kill the reptiles from March 8 to April 17 on state-managed lands. The season is open for Burmese and Indian pythons. . . . etc."

There!! You see!! It is not over the top. NOT at all. Rather, right on the money.

You - - the devoted reader to the blog - - are way ahead of the game, as usual, hopefully much to your betterment, and my enjoyment!!



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