Friday, February 12, 2010

Primitive II. [End]

This is coolbert:

"Primitive" again!

Another ancient society, described often as "primitive", also engaging in "warrior" warfare was that of the Hawaiian islands. War being an essential, integral and basic part of the culture.

[the Hawaiians did not have a system of writing or mathematics? WERE however, outstanding navigators, observers of all things celestial, practicing to a DEGREE the attributes of high culture, as that term "high" is generally, ordinarily, and commonly understood.]

"In ancient Hawaii warfare is a favorite game for kings and nobles. In fact the Hawaiian word for 'battlefield' is 'playground'."

Hawaii, the island paradise, NOT always such a paradise, brutal and harsh warfare being endemic, A DARWINIAN NATURAL SELECTION PROCESS BEING AT WORK, WARFARE BEING AN ESSENTIAL AND "VITAL" PART OF THE CULTURE!!

"the Hawaiian Islands were divided into kingdoms, each ruled by a chief who sought to extend their control over the others. The results were . . . with endemic warfare . . . For the chiefs of ancient Hawaii success on the battlefields meant more then just their success as a chief, it meant whether they would live or perish."

Hawaii also inhabited by a culture, "primitive" but still having a pretty-good degree of sophistication, stratified as was Mayan society, the islanders being divided into a caste system consisting again of:

* Ruler and nobility.
* Priests.
* Warriors.
* Peasants.
* Slaves.

The Kao warriors of Hawaii, formidable fighters, well-equipped and trained, devoted to a war god, the god Ku, for whom human sacrifice was offered, A war god, Ku, who demanded and was accorded on a regular basis the sacrifice of persons captured in battle!

Typical weapons as used by the Kao warriors include the:

* Ihe (short spear).
* Pololu (long spear/javelin).
* Pahoa (wooden dagger).
* Pahoa 'Oilua (double bladed weapon).
* Lei-o-mano (shark-tooth weapon).
* La-au-palau (long war club).
* Newa (short war club).
* Pohaku (stone hand club).
* Pikoi 'Ikoi (tripping weapon).
* Ma'a (sling).
* Ka'ane (strangulation cord).
* Ko'oko'o (cane).

The Kao warriors of Hawaii also practicing a high developed and very deadly martial arts form of amazing sophistication for a culture generally labeled as "primitive":

"Kao warriors practiced an ancient martial art called Lua, in it they trained to kill by breaking bones, using pressure points, and more."

"They shaved before battle and lathered their bodies with oil to prevent enemies from getting a grip on them"

Persons going into battle also nearly NAKED, wearing only a loincloth! Kao warriors also of impressive and formidable stature, huge, powerful, VERY DANGEROUS OPPONENTS!!


* The Hawaiian culture did not possess metal. Still, were able to develop weaponry of formidable character and lethality.

* The Hawaiian culture DID NOT have beasts of burden to carry them into battle. NO horses, camels, elephants. Nor was there developed the combined-arms concept of battle as that concept is generally, ordinarily, and commonly understood.

Hawaiian society, ancient and venerable, living in what most folks consider to be idyllic paradise, engaged in "primitive" warfare with relish and a high degree of sophistication and development. A warrior society where constant combat and killing in battle were practiced with RELIGIOUS FEROCITY!


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