Friday, February 26, 2010

Old & New.

This is coolbert:

Here, thanks to the tip from the Jungle Trader blog site, is a photo showing the old and the new in action.

Impressive photograph of the U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser, the USS Chosin, during a fly-over by a naval version of the C-130.

But not just any C-130. A DC version. Drone-control.

Please note the Firebee drone hanging from a pylon of the cargo/control aircraft.

Obviously this is the prelude to some sort of live fire shoot for the Chosin. That DC aircraft will launch the drone will act as a "live" target. The Chosin will track, engage, fire a missile, intercept and destroy the Firebee. NOT a canned exercise, a real SHOOT!

Both that C-130 [DC in this case] and the Firebee are based upon original designs from over fifty years ago now. Venerable as they say.

"The Firebee series of targets drones and RPVs (Remotely Piloted Vehicles) is one of the most successful and versatile unmanned aircraft developed so far. The latest versions are still in wide-spread service more than 50 years after the first flight tests."

Both "aircraft", manned and unmanned having gone through various stages of "morph". Developed, re-designed, re-configured to better, more effective and robust versions.

Hard to tell from the photo WHICH EXACT version of the Firebee is mounted on the pylon. So many of them out there. Still going after fifty years and running now. A proven winner being used in conjunction with a proven winner [C-130]. Hard to beat that!!



  1. Just an FYI... You had it right the first time: USS Chosin is a Ticonderoga-Class Guided Missile Cruiser (CG), not a frigate.

    No frigates have the Aegis radar array, visible on the forward superstructure. Only the Ticos and Arleigh Burke-Class destroyers do.

  2. both the DC-130 and Firebee missile seem to be owned and operated by the USAF. I don't know of any Navy C-130 that had cammy livery...
