Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Language - - Reprise.

This is coolbert:

Here from a prior blog entry:

"There is living within the borders of the U.S. an abundance of native Arabic speakers. I am speaking about the many tens of thousands of Sephardic Jews and Coptic Christian Egyptians that are residents of the U.S., citizens and otherwise. Persons in addition also familiar with the Middle Eastern culture and the mind set of the locals."

More on the subject of the U.S. military and other governmental agencies refusing to use native Arabic speakers [Farsi also] as translators WHO ARE NOT MUSLIM!!

"Translator scandals, infiltration, and intel recruiting insanity"

"A more comprehensive discussion of Islamic infiltration among U.S. translators in Iraq, in the FBI, CIA, and DHS, as well as local police departments and emergency operators and the refusal to use non-Muslim Arabic speakers"

"The Translator Scandal Ripens"

MORE bad eggs, "plants", "moles", such as Nada Prouty. Persons allegedly working for the U.S., but doing espionage [?] for Al Qaeda and other bad guys, foreign powers hostile to the United States.

To include:

* "Noureddine Malki, a Muslim and naturalized American citizen with five different aliases" [Noureddine Malki, sentenced to thirteen years in prison, for passing on national defense info to a foreign power during a time of war. Normally an offense warranting the death penalty, in this case the punishment being thirteen years!!]

* "Khalil Nabbouh who became USMC Captain Spinelli"

USMC Captain Spinelli, a woman entering into a sham marriage for immigration purposes, joining the USMC, attaining the RANK OF CAPTAIN!! All the while, a person who has been placed in a position of great trust, totally unwarranted, evading detection for a number of years.

Again, the translator problem has a solution that is not availed of? Tens of thousands [?] of native Arabic speakers, presumably trustworthy, but not even considered as "possibles". Persons to include:

* Iraqi Assyrian Christians.
* Lebanese Maronite Christians.
* Sephardic Jews.
* Egyptian Coptic Christians.
* American Israelis.

"Middle Eastern Christians, Jews and apostate Muslims were disappointed that their talents had gone unused because of political correctness and frankly outright intimidation by Muslim linguists in our security agencies"

Political considerations are at work here? A desire NOT to offend Muslims is the goal?

Well, read the whole article. Wait until well after dinner however. Does not go down well on a full stomach?


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