Friday, February 19, 2010


This is coolbert:

Regarding that Ethiopian airliner that was "downed" recently [one week ago yesterday] upon take off from the airfield in Beirut.

Thanks to the DEBKAfile:

"The bodies were found strapped to their seats with their heads and limbs blown off, typical effect of an explosion . . . the Lebanese health minster admitted inadvertently to an explosion in the cabin, French sources blame the dead pilot for human error"

Well, what is it? Human error? An explosion of unknown origins? What? An act of terrorism on the part of whom?

Forensics, from observing the phenomenon of "bodies were found strapped to their seats with their heads and limbs blown off" is of the opinion that the Ethiopian airliner was blown out of the sky by terrorists on take-off!! An onboard bomb is to blame!!??

But no conclusions until the investigation is complete, mum is the word for the mean time, etc.

So many [??] of these airliner "accidents" the causation of which is quite often speculative in nature, NO firm and definite conclusion ever being reached?

Anyhow, anytime, an airliner "crashes" while still in Lebanese airspace, I guess the first intuitive and instinctive reaction is for the authorities to raise their eyebrows and suspect more than just fatal crew error!


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