Tuesday, February 16, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here with more on "Captain Spinelli"!

"Khalil Nabbouh who became USMC Captain Spinelli"

"USMC Captain Spinelli, a woman entering into a sham marriage for immigration purposes, joining the USMC, attaining the RANK OF CAPTAIN!"!

A mole, a plant, a burrowing-agent, along with her sister-in-law, Nada Prouty, a Hezbollah spy [??]!

All the while an illegal alien, seemingly undetectable!

Thanks to the blog of FormerSpook from 2007!

"It Only Gets Worse"

"With her citizenship in hand, Samar Khalil Nabbou enlisted in the Marine Corps and eventually became a commissioned officer . . . After entering the Corps--and divorcing her sham husband--Nabbou married a fellow Marine, giving her yet another last name."

The sister-in-law of Nada Prouty, Samar, also engaging in a sham marriage with an American man to obtain U.S. citizenship, Samar then joining the Marine Corps, and BECOMING AN OFFICER! Her duties not clear, possibly an INTELLIGENCE OFFICER WITH ALL THAT MEANS FOR SECURITY!

"as a commissioned officer in the Marine Corps, Spinelli held a 'Secret' security clearance at a minimum. If she held a Top Secret/SCI security clearance, Spinelli had access to Intelink [secure military intelligence Internet web site!!]"

Please keep in mind that these two women, illegal aliens, Samar and Nada, "worked" in the restaurant of a man who was a known fund raiser for Hezbollah, a man who has subsequently fled the U.S.

"Spinelli might face [punishment] . . . Fraudulent Enlistment . . . a crime under Article 83 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). To become a Marine officer, Spinelli had to be a U.S. citizen, and she obtained her citizenship through fraud."

Well, in a time of war, a woman who is a possible enemy spy, the best they can "get her" on is fraudulent enlistment??!! How about that!!

Perhaps worst of all, not the FBI, CIA, or military investigators were ever able ONCE to detect or determine that these women, Nada and Samar, WERE ILLEGAL ALIENS!!



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