Saturday, January 23, 2010


This is coolbert:

Well, this is a surprise? But a reasonable explanation does exist? YES!

"Report: Hezbollah trains on missiles"

JERUSALEM, Jan. 17 (UPI) -- "Syria has allowed Lebanese Hezbollah militants to train with advanced anti-aircraft missiles in its territory, a U.S. source says."

". . . Hezbollah operatives trained in Syria on SA2 anti-aircraft missile batteries, and that Israel has warned Damascus that if such weapons are given to the Shiite Arab militants, Jerusalem would view it as crossing an undeclared 'red line,'"

A RED LINE in the sand that must not be crossed. WAR will be the result. Military action against Syria, Hezbollah, etc. A regional conflict, retaliation, etc. NOT pretty.

The operatives of Hezbollah, the BEST LIGHT INFANTRY IN THE WORLD - - now being trained on "advanced" rocketry? SA-2 missiles, a Soviet surface-to-air design first deployed in 1957. The "Guideline" missile, called S-75 "Dvina" by the Soviets, produced and deployed in enormous numbers all over the world.

Encountered by American pilots in the skies over North Vietnam, and by Israeli pilots over the Suez Canal. Not necessarily anymore considered to be an "advanced" air defense weapon. For some time, counter-measures that work against the SA-2 have been in the inventory of the various "western" powers, including Israel.

"The Lavochkin OKB S-75 . . . is a Soviet designed high-altitude, command guided, surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. Since its first deployment in 1957, it has become the most widely deployed and used air defense missile in history."

It is strange indeed that the Hezbollah fighters are training and preparing to deploy [?] such an antiquated "beast" into combat against the Israeli? This is the intent? Surely more modern and up-to-date surface-air-missiles can be acquired and utilized by the "best light infantry" in the world?

The intent is to use the SA-2 as a short-range-ballistic missile? THERE IS SUCH A VERSION OF THE SA-2 ALREADY IN THE HANDS OF THE IRANIANS!! CALLED THE TONDAR-69!! The Iranians recently DID test fire the Tondar with good results, photos of the launch being shown in the international media.

"The standard S-75 SAM is also capable of being used against land targets, and its crews were taught how to aim the missile. Recent pictures have shown Iranian S-75s fired in surface-surface mode."

The Tondar is based upon the Chinese CSS-8? The Chinese, for some time now, have taken missiles dedicated to the air defense mission, and modified them so they could be employed against ground targets. Missiles that in the ground role have a pretty good range and punch!!

"The CSS-8 can deploy its payload to any range between 50 and 150 km (31 and 93 miles). Its payload is typically equipped with a single 190 or 250 kg HE warhead."

Hezbollah - - right now - - is preparing for the eventual delivery of Tondar-69 from Iran. Allowing a capability to hit any target in Israel with impunity! Such a CAPABILITY ALONE could lead to a regional war?

This is all most troubling!


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