Friday, November 20, 2009

Slide Show.

This is coolbert:

"[4.93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell"

Here, thanks to the Washington Post, is the Power Point [PP] slide show presentation as done by the shooter at Ft. Hood, Dr. Hasan:

"The Koranic World View As It Relates to Muslims in the U.S. Military"

A PP slide show that is reputed to have caused some consternation and concern among other medical doctors that viewed the presentation.

"It was reported that the audience was shocked and frightened by his lecture."

Has been cited as evidence that Dr. Hasan was off the deep end for some time and should have been called to task and removed from the military.

A few spelling and grammatical errors - - but - - in my opinion - - actually pretty well done.

My reaction to this PP slide show is surprising, even to MYSELF!

I find - - within the context of the Dr. Hasan being a medical professional, a psychiatrist whose mission is to deal with soldiers that have grave mental problems, this PP slide show is not over the top or anything but indeed is germane to the task that Hasan had been given as part of his duties!!

The PP slide show outlines and explains for those in the audience:

* What is Islam.
* What do adherents believe. What is the dogma and doctrine.
* What are the duties and obligations of a Muslim.
* What are the rewards of being a Muslim. [in the afterlife]
* What are the punishments for those Muslims that violate Muslim doctrine. [in the afterlife]
* What is jihad in the greater and lesser forms. [the greater form has only existed as a concept during the last 100 years?]

Muslims who are members of the uniformed military services are faced with a terrible dilemma - - having to be compelled to journey to and engage in combat with Iraqi and Afghan Muslims. Grave and serious mental problems arise from theological restraints. Such was and is the contention of Dr. Hasan, from the standpoint of the psychiatrist whose patients are military personnel.

And also from the PP slide presentation:

"[17.33] And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause . . ."

Well, there it is in a nutshell, as they say. Define just cause. One quotation from the Koran prohibits a Muslim from killing other Muslims, EXCEPT for another quotation that permits such killing, "FOR A JUST CAUSE"!!

You judge, I have already done so.


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