Sunday, November 15, 2009


This is coolbert:

"The FBI seized a book called 'How to Pray Like a Jew' from him at the time of his arrest in Chicago. He had prepared himself thoroughly to pose as a Jew"

Here with a lot more on Daood Gilani. Goes by the name of "David Coleman Headley". Arrested last month not too far from where I live. A terrorist, NOW linked very closely to the Mumbai terrorist attack of one year ago. Evidently Daood is the man who did the reconnaissance [recce] of the targets, this only coming to light in the aftermath of the FBI raid last month.

"Headley mapped all '26/11 targets' - US suspect posed as Jew: Police"

"Mumbai, Nov. 14: David Coleman Headley personally visited every target site of the 26/11 terror strikes last year, carrying out a recce [reconnaissance] on behalf of the Lashkar-e-Toiba [LeT], a police source said today."

Daood [I with intent do not honor the man by calling him by his assumed name!!] is a villain if there ever was one. Complicit in a mass murder, caught - - at best a spy, at worst a terrorist!

"Posing as a Jew, he even visited Nariman House, the Jewish Chabad centre, in July 2008."

Shivaji railroad terminal and Chabad House were chosen as targets for maximum publicity value, international and Indian domestic!

"The Mumbai police today carried out raids . . . in search of Headley's local acquaintances and contacts."

As I said before, we have not heard the last of this case. Daood is talking freely [?] and a lot of loose ends concerning Mumbai are now going to be cleared up?


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