Thursday, October 8, 2009


This is coolbert:

Among the headlines from today:

"Iran sees U.S. role in researcher's disappearance"

This headline catches your attention right away. A top [??] Iranian nuclear scientist disappears. A man right at the center [??] of the Iranian nuclear program just cannot be found. Was on the haj in Saudi and has vanished.

"TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of involvement in the disappearance of a technology university researcher 'rumored' to be involved in Tehran's nuclear program"

"Shahram Amiri, who went missing during a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in June, was an employee of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization"

This all occurred three months ago and only now is being made public.

"Amiri disappeared more than three months before the disclosure of a second uranium enrichment facility that Iran has been building near the city of Qom."

Many months ago [2007] now you had the case of the so-called "retired" Iranian Revolutionary Guards general officer [Ali Reza Asgari] that also disappeared. While on a "business trip to Turkey, also vanishing into thin air. THAT INCIDENT ALSO RAISED SOME EYEBROWS IN SOME QUARTERS, BUT SINCE THE "DISAPPEARANCE", NOTHING MORE AT ALL!!

NOW this top [?] Iranian nuclear bloke - - gone! This guy knew a lot of secrets that the regime in Tehran wanted kept private?

What has happened and who is to blame? United States, Saudi, Israel, maybe even the Iranians themselves [the guy was going to defect and was found out?] are the culprits here?

A defector? A man on-the-run-for-his-life? A victim of a kidnapping?

Intelligence agencies and secret services of the various world powers are ordinarily hesitant to engage in kidnappings and abductions? The fear is of reprisals of a tit-for-tat nature that is "bad for business".

Who knows?


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