Monday, September 21, 2009


This is coolbert:

Here, thanks to the Guardian, is another instance of the military man gone BAD!

A retired military man, using military acquired skills, manufacturing and supplying firearms to English street gangs, making a handsome profit, all the while helping to establish a climate that aided and abetted criminal activity, to include MURDER!

"Former soldier set up secret gun factories to supply street gangs"

• "Paul Alexander converted replica guns and made ammunition"
• "Long jail sentence likely for thriller writer 'dealing in death' "

"A soldier turned thriller writer [a Le Quex type?] who set up a chain of secret gun factories from which he supplied weapons to street gangs in Liverpool, Manchester and the West Midlands is facing a lengthy prison sentence after admitting a string of firearms offences."

"Paul Alexander converted replica guns at factories [secret arms factories] and then sold them for as little as £1,500 a time, complete with ammunition, silencers and carrying cases, in what police have described as 'assassination kits'."

"Alexander, 53, who was born Paul Daintry, used 30 aliases . . . He acquired the skills that later allowed him to convert replica firearms and manufacture ammunition while serving in the Royal Artillery for 20 years."


* This English bloke served for twenty years in the Royal Artillery with an unblemished record. ONLY went bad after discharge? Was an armorer or such? Had a very good knowledge of firearms and how to manufacture replicas that work? And also providing ammo and SILENCERS as part of the total package.

* Gun crime in England and the rest of Europe at one time was a great rarity, a novelty! NOT any more. The European continent is now awash with firearms in the hands of evil-doers? Especially after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the demise of the various communist regimes! Gun trafficking is a big business in Europe now? The English "bobbie" on ordinary street patrol was noted for not carrying a sidearm. NOT NOW?

* European street gang activity is also a wannabee imitation of American street gangs, desiring control of an ever burgeoning Continental drug trade? All the bad behaviors and habits of American street gangs are copied and emulated by European thuggery? Street gangs do pose a serious and significant threat to peace, stability and internal order within any nation. Possess the numbers, the organization, the money, the aggressiveness and mental wherewithal to use violence and do so in an almost indiscriminant manner, in furtherance of their goals.


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