Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is coolbert:

This headline thanks to the DEBKAfile from almost two years ago [August 17, 2007] now came to my immediate attention:

"Al Qaeda Dislocates US Security Plan by Genocidal Massacre"

This attack, by Al Qaeda in Iraq, was done in response to the American troop "surge" that was just beginning. I do not recall this specific incident being mentioned in the media. Was probably just covered as "a truck bomb or bombs" and nothing more?

What is most important here is the context. Who was focus of the the attack and why, and what this exactly says about the jihadi, especially those of the Al Qaeda persuasion!

"This time, Al Qaeda in Iraq selected a tiny, isolated, unprotected community of some 150,000 Yazidi Kurds . . . as the victims of its barbarity. Tuesday, Aug. 14, within minutes, three oil tankers driven by suicide bombers had murdered at least 500 people, injured more than 1,000"

"To defeat the US-led security campaign, al Qaeda appears to have opted for meting out death and destruction among large groups of civilians . . . causing hundreds of thousands of displaced people to wander hither and thither in search of safety, strangling communications and generating mayhem"

As to the "highly inflammable oil trucks driven by suicide bombers.":

"Intelligence source estimate that each [??] of the trucks . . . was packed with between 250 and 300 tons of explosives . . . The force of the third blast was such that dozens of cars and buildings by the wayside were shattered and sent up flames visible to witnesses 2 kilometers away."

"The Yazidi . . . is a Kurdish religion with ancient Indo-European roots. Yazidis are primarily Kurdish speaking, and most live in the Mosul region of northern Iraq."

The Yazidi. An enigmatic ethnic group, practicing [??] the ancient Indo-European way of life to this day, worshipping a god or gods of most ancient lineage. NOT a group that is Christian, Jewish, or Muslim! Totally unique, small in number, pacifistic [?] and not a threat to anyone.

[one of the Yazidi gods is reputed to live in a cave, rule the earth, his color is red, and he has horns sprouting from his head!! The western and Christian image of the devil is from the Yazid and their beliefs!!]

Specifically targeted [?] for their religious manner and beliefs by the villains of Al Qaeda! An attack, not exactly genocidal, but horrific nonetheless. Totally unprovoked, wanton, cruel, absolutely ruthless, all indicators of a malevolent and very evil mind and mind-set at work.

Those truck bombs, oil fuel tankers, combined, are getting pretty close to about the explosive force of a tactical nuclear weapon.

I do recall very well in the days right after 9/11, how the American authorities voiced concern about persons, suspected jihadi, living in the U.S., legal or otherwise, who had made an effort to obtain truck drivers licenses, with the intent of specifically becoming able to drive HAZMAT trucks! There was even a well-covered incident where an illegal alien from Pakistan enrolled in an American truck driving school, telling the instructors he did not care about being able to back up, all he wanted to do is drive forward! In the aftermath of 9/11 that caught the attention of everyone right away!!

The Yazid, representing to the jihadi a kaffir of the worst possible sort, were no more entitled to life than would be an ant being crushed underfoot by an unsuspecting person. AND ALL THIS DONE TO MERELY CREATE A DIVERSION, CHAOS, ETC.!!

Attacks of this nature, unprovoked, premeditated, disproportionate, with malice aforethought, against a non-resisting and non-threatening civilian populace, AND DONE WITH EXTREME HATE, again, would normally preclude the perpetrators from any consideration as deserving of treatment under the Geneva Conventions. This is no longer the case?


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