Monday, July 13, 2009


This is coolbert:

From a comment to the blog:

"I just hope no war is sparked by these tensions in Korea."

"Many of my relatives live in South Korea, and it would be a tragedy to see such a civilized and improved country crumble from a deadly conflict."

This is absolutely correct. It would be a terrible tragedy not only for those persons living on the Korean peninsula, but for the world as a whole.

It has been nearly sixty years since the beginning of the Korea War [1950].

The southern part of Korea, that portion below the Demilitarized-Zone [DMZ], the Republic of Korea [ROK]has become a player on the world stage. A economic powerhouse, one of the ten largest economies in the world, having a population of well-fed, well-dressed, well-educated, fairly prosperous, confident people. A nation, ROK, where progress is constant and on-going in a way it is not in other places in the world!

What has transpired in the ROK in the last few decades can perhaps best be described as a "miracle"!

And too, THE ROK NOW ENJOYS, MUCH TO ITS CREDIT, A DEMOCRATIC, NOT AN AUTHORITARIAN TYPE OF GOVERNMENT. Economic prosperity is now coupled with a large measure of democracy, free elections, and liberty!

It has been over forty years now since I have served one tour of duty in Korea [U.S. Army]. The changes in ROK since that time have been stupendous, and all for the better!!

I recall very well when the Hyundai corporation first began selling cars in the U.S. The three Korean representatives of the firm made a special trip to the Korea War Memorial to lay a wreath in memory of those that died in the first Korean Conflict. A very true and meaningful tribute that is appreciated.

And as for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea [DPRK]? Perhaps the most, if not one of the most repressive and brutal regimes on the planet! What of them? Indeed, why have they not attacked and launched a second Korean War? ON PAPER, they seem to possess a formidable, perhaps even unstoppable arsenal!!

I recall reading this some time ago, during one of the more recent episodes of food shortage as suffered by the residents of the North, that the North Korean army [NKPA] standard curve for uniforms was not longer valid from what it had been in prior decades! The population has suffered from hunger and malnutrition for so long that the populace has become STUNTED AND WEAK! The NKPA cannot find suitably sized and fitting uniforms for their bantam weight conscript troops.

Those leaders of the NKPA know very well that their soldiers are just physically incapable of initiating and maintaining a blitzkrieg offensive? This is so?


1 comment:

  1. You post interesting stuff, but why do you start everything with "this is coolbert"?
