Friday, July 17, 2009

China I.

This is coolbert:

Here from the Chicago Tribune today


"Engineer is found guilty in economic espionage case"

"An engineer was convicted of stealing trade secrets critical to the U.S. space program under the nation's FIRST TRIAL UNDER THE ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE LAW."

"former Boeing Co. engineer Dongfan Chung guilty of six counts of economic espionage and other charges for hoarding 300,000 pages of sensitive documents in his home."

"accused . . . of using his 30-year career at Boeing and Rockwell . . . to steal the documents and pass them to China."

[documents, proprietary, not classified] "employees were told to lock up at the close of work each day."


* I was not aware there was a law covering ECONOMIC ESPIONAGE!

* 300,000 pages of documents is a lot of paper. Where did this guy store it all? And you have to assume it WAS ALL PASSED TO CHINA!

* 30-year career? How long was this guy active in the espionage business? Rockwell is no longer in the missile and aerospace industry, but was quite active at one time! And NOT ONCE was this Chung detected while up-to-no-good. A lot of cases like this exist and are NEVER DETECTED?

* And, yet again, the characteristic signature of the Chinese intelligence services? Working only with a Chinese citizen, or a person - - a Chinese national or ethnic Chinese!!


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