Saturday, June 13, 2009


This is coolbert:

Here is the type of headline that catches the attention of people? Sinister and diabolical machinations at work? You judge!

"'IDF soldiers forced to take part in medical experiment'"

"Israel Radio revealed Sunday that soldiers from the Duhifat Battalion were forced to participate in [an] experiment 15 years ago."

"According to the report, new recruits in the battalion who were stationed at the Adam Training Facility near Modi'in were ordered to drink magnesium on a daily basis for four months to see if it would prevent injuries caused by noise."

Raw recruits, ordered to drink amounts of magnesium on a daily basis. An experiment to see if the potion would ward off injury from noise?

Noise levels in the military are very high and can cause injury! YES! Gunshots, hand grenades, explosions of all sorts, tank and artillery gunfire, helicopters, jet, truck and other vehicle engines operating at very high decibel levels, etc.

Injury to hearing obviously, and ALSO, injury to internal organs as well? NOT so obvious but still present?

The specificity of the "noise" is not given.

Military personnel make excellent subjects for experimentation? Persons In the prime of health, under tight control, AND IN MANY CASES, SUCH AS WITH THE U.S. MILITARY, FORBIDDEN BY LAW TO REFUSE MEDICAL TREATMENT. Treatment defined in a very broad manner to include prophylactics of all sorts.

If you are told to get in line and drink the magnesium or get a "whole mess" of shots, you have no recourse but to obey. BY LAW, that is A MUST!


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