Sunday, May 31, 2009


This is coolbert:

"There is a limit to our patience."

Here is the North Korean response to almost universal condemnation of the most recent DPRK nuclear detonation!!: [Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea]

A response that includes threats from the United Nations Security Council to place additional sanctions on North Korea.

"Lick the Carrot"

"DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman Clarifies Its Stand on UNSC’s Increasing Threat"

"Pyongyang, May 29 (KCNA) — A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Friday as regards the UNSC’s threat to put additional sanctions against the DPRK, terming its successful nuclear test a violation of the UNSC Resolution 1718"

Herewith selected excerpts highlighted [in BOLD]:

"At present, some countries were shocked at the news of the DPRK’s second nuclear test"

"The DPRK is neither a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty nor to the Missile Technology Control Regime or MTCR"

"The UNSC has committed such unprecedented crime as the wanton infringement upon the right of a sovereign state to explore outer space for peaceful purposes"

"The DPRK, though small in its territory and population, has self-confidence and grit that it is a politically and militarily strong country"

"if the UNSC will make further provocative actions, this will inevitably lead to the DPRK’s approach towards adopting stronger self-defensive counter-measures."

"The end of the Cold War worldwide works only between big powers, but a Cold War still persists on the Korean Peninsula"

"It would be better for the “Donkey” of the U.S. Democratic Party to lick the carrot."

"It would be better for the “Donkey” of the U.S. Democratic Party to lick the carrot."

What is one to make of that last particular item? The donkey is President Obama? An ass? Stupid? The new man on the block? A lewd, vulgar, obscene jibe deliberately intended to offend?

Be very, very careful here! A man on his way out, Kim, possessing 10,000 pieces of tube artillery, might very well want to have a last hurrah?? I am going down, but I am going to take a whole lot of you with me??!!

Let us hope not!!


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