Thursday, May 14, 2009


This is coolbert:

"Consequences! What consequences?!" - - Mao.

From the: "Statesman" by Nikita S. Khrushchev.

Mao - - personally - - speaking to an international conference of Communist and Workers' parties - - 1957.

"Mao spoke at that conference on the question of war. The nature of his speech was approximately as follows: We should not be afraid of war, and we should not be afraid of atomic bombs or missiles. Whatever such a war might be like, we, the socialist [communist] countries, would be victorious regardless. Speaking specifically about Chine he stated: 'If imperialism imposes a war on us, we have 600 million people., and if we lost 300 million of them, what of it? After all that is war' . . . That was the kind of rough, crude way in which he spoke. His remarks were followed by a deathly stillness."

Nikita Sergeyevich always liked to toot his own horn? Make Mao look bad and make Nikita look good both at the same time. "Statesman" nonetheless is accurate!?

The Great Helmsman, Mao of China, did also, on several other occasions, propose that the "socialist" countries initiate a war with the "imperialist" powers? A WAR, THAT IF FOUGHT, WOULD INCLUDE THE WIDESPREAD USE OF ATOMIC WEAPONRY!! HEEDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES!!

As stated in a previous blog entry: "'No country, no leaders, unless they really are crazy like a Hitler, wants to be destroyed'"

Only a madman like Hitler? Or only a madman like Mao?


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