Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kensington Cage.

This is coolbert:

"Before there was Gitmo, there was Kensington Cage" - - Bert.

Here with some good stuff, thanks to the Guardian.

"The secrets of the London Cage"

German prisoners-of-war [POW] [???] during the Second World War, held by the British in a special prison, subjected to the "methods". Extraction of confessions being the goal.

A special prison, a "camp" kept hidden and secret from the Red Cross.

POW's, SS men, who had been accused of war crimes. Atrocities against ALLIED TROOPS, most specifically British troops. Men the British government wanted to HANG. And hang they did many of them.

A "camp" run by a Colonel Scotland. When writing his memoirs, the Colonel was forbidden to publish [1950], his "long-lost" work of non-fiction just coming to the light of day!

Techniques ["methods"] as employed to extract confessions included:

* Beatings.

* Sleep deprivation.

* Starvation.

* Exhaustion exercises.

* Threats, thinly veiled, of unnecessary surgery.

All complaints about ill-treatment and accusations of "torture", and lack of access to the Red Cross were brushed aside by the good Colonel? His reasoning was:

"Scotland went on to argue that the Red Cross need not be admitted, because his prisoners were either civilians, or 'criminals within the armed forces', and neither, he said, were protected by the Geneva convention"

A prison camp that had embedded special surveillance devices to monitor the prisoners and obtain information. Evidently, hidden microphones to pick up conversations of the inmates among themselves.

"The secret gear which we use to check the reliability of information obtained must be removed from the Cage before permission is given to inspect the building. This work will take a month to complete." [inspection by the Red Cross]

Does all this sound familiar?

We have heard about all this recently?


You know!!


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