Sunday, May 17, 2009

Direct Action?

This is coolbert:

From the Times of India:

"India gets ready for a Taliban-ruled nuclear neighbor. "

"WASHINGTON: India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has told President Obama that nuclear sites in Pakistan's restive frontier province are 'already partly' in the hands of Islamic extremists, an Israeli journal [DEBKA file] has said, amid considerable anxiety among US pundits here over Washington's confidence in the security of the troubled nation's nuclear arsenal."

"Pakistan's nuclear program may already be infected with the virus of radicalism from within, as demonstrated by the Sultan Bashiruddin incident."

One would very well expect that the senior decision makers within the Indian government are really biting their nails over this! Taliban types, with nuclear weapons, and delivery systems that are within range of Indian targets, are a real source of concern?!

I would think it would be! India might well be pre-disposed to take unilateral action in case of a total collapse in Pakistan! Capture or destroy stockpiles of atomic weapons, the manufacturing facilities, take prisoner key officials and scientists, etc. The CONSEQUENCES FOR DIRECT ACTION ON THE PART OF THE INDIAN MILITARY WOULD BE GREAT. THE CONSEQUENCES OF NOT TAKING DIRECT ACTION MIGHT ALSO BE VERY DIRE!!

The famous saying, "can the center hold?", is applicable here? The center can hold? I hope so!


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