Friday, May 15, 2009


This is coolbert:

Here, from the Chicago Tribune today:


"C17 loaded with politics"

"House OK's additional planes despite Obama, Air Force Oppostion"

"Boeing Co's C-17 cargo plane in a fight for survival in the nation's Capitol, gained the support of the House on Thursday but faces political head winds in the Senate"

"Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has called for ending production once the last plane on order roll off the Long Beach, Calif. assembly line in 2011"

A number of very influential Senators are "pleading for funding"

Senators to include:

* Dianne Feinstein.

* Daniel K. Inouye.

* Barbara Boxer.

* James Inhofe.

Consider that the C-17 FINAL ASSEMBLY is done in Long Beach, but sub-assemblies are manufactured "from more than 650 suppliers in 43 states".

Sub-assemblies to include [but not limited to]:

* "landing gear comes from Cleveland."

* "cockpit, nose and cargo ramp and door from St. Louis."

* "engines from Binghamton, N.Y."

* "tail section and engine coverings from Dallas."

* "seats from Phoenix."

Jobs, jobs, and more jobs. Well, who wants to take their lumps first?

The military-industrial complex at work?


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