Monday, May 25, 2009

The Bomb!

This is coolbert:

Flash news today from North Korea:

"Outrage over N Korea nuclear test"

"There have been expressions of international outrage after North Korea said it had successfully carried out an underground nuclear test."

The North Koreans have exploded another atomic device, or is it a bomb?

At least, it is apparent that this time, an atomic explosion has occurred. The first experimental detonation from not so long ago was considered to be a dud, or at least the evidence was inconclusive?

An atomic weapon is now for certain at the disposal of Kim. A nuclear weapon of some sort. Quite potent too. Equal in strength to the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

"Russia's defence ministry estimated a blast of up to 20 kilotons - comparable to the American bombs that flattened Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945."

They are showing recent [??] film footage of Kim at some Communist party gathering. The "Great Hall of the People" like stuff. All sorts of endless clapping and applauding. The appearance of Kim is BAD. Cannot say enough about it. The man looks B-A-D!! Haggard, emaciated, sickly, worn down by illness!! NOT robust in any fashion at all!!

Nuclear weapons in the hands of an authoritarian and unstable regimen on the brink of collapse [??], with an aging, sickly dictator, a man devoid of reason, in charge, cannot be considered to be good.


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