Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arctic V - - Radars.

This is coolbert:

Starting from the earliest period of the Cold War [1945 onwards], American military radar installations, located in the far north, and pointed toward the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole, were an important aspect of the U.S. strategic warning component.

1. The DEW Line. Distant Early Warning Line. Pointing northward and designed to detect an incoming Soviet MANNED BOMBER ATTACK. Enemy bomber aircraft the mission of which was to deliver nuclear ordnance on American territory. The NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST so terribly feared!!

"The Distant Early Warning Line, also known as the DEW Line or Early Warning Line, was a system of radar stations in the far northern Arctic region of Canada, with additional stations along the North Coast and Aleutian Islands of Alaska . . . It was set up to detect incoming Soviet bombers during the Cold War"

"the 1950s saw the establishment of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) line of 63 radar and communication stations. Extending 3000 miles . . . roughly along the 69th parallel, the radar stations provided overlapping coverage for the detection of attack by bombers or missiles from the north."

2. BMEWS. Ballistic Missile Early Warning System. [Barking Moonbat] Radars, again, pointing northward, the purpose of which was to detect incoming Soviet/Russian MISSILE ATTACK!! Intercontinental ballistic missiles [ICBM], carrying nuclear warheads, launched from Soviet/Russian bases, the destination being American targets!! Once more - - the NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST so greatly and terribly feared!!

"The United States Air Force Ballistic Missile Early Warning System (BMEWS) was the first operational ballistic missile detection radar. The original system was built in 1959 and could provide long-range warning of a ballistic missile attack over the polar region of the northern hemisphere."

A system, BMEWS, consisting of three radar installations, all designed to detect/track incoming [toward the U.S.] Soviet ICBM's.

The three installations are:

* "Thule Air Base, Greenland" [arctic]

* "Clear Air Force Station, Alaska" [arctic]

* "Flyingdales [Moor], in the United Kingdom"

The BMEWS radars still remain on duty, albeit in much more advanced versions.

These military radars, transmitting as they do with enormous directional power, are perhaps the ONLY form of intelligible human "communication" that intelligent and technologically sophisticated alien life forms, existing on planets outside of our own solar system - - might be able to intercept!!??


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