Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Arctic II - - Ice Islands.

This is coolbert:

Here is an instance of where geo-physical structures, perhaps unique to the Arctic Ocean, have been utilized by the militaries of both the Soviet Union/Russian and the United States for over seven decades now.

Glacial ice, having an origin on land [Ellsmere Island?], eventually breaking loose from an ice shelf, "calving", floating free, maintaining a continuity as a distinct and distinguishable element, separate from the surrounding arctic pack ice. Massive structures, of great thickness, dozens or hundreds of square miles in size on the surface, floating, "drifting" with the prevailing oceanic currents and winds.

Ice islands!

An "island" where there is no "land". "Islands" maintaining a distinct recognizable physical integrity for years [decades?]! "Islands" suitable for habitation by scientific personnel, establishing a camp for an extended occupation. Allowing for a whole host of scientific measurements to be made, MOST OF WHICH HAVE OBVIOUS MILITARY APPLICATIONS!

[Weather conditions, ocean currents, depth soundings, temperature and salinity of the water, bottom contour, study of the aurora, magnetic field of the earth, etc.]

Bases, the construction of which was a MILITARY UNDERTAKING, and pioneered by the Soviet Union. These are - - the "Floating ice stations".

"A remarkable expedition was accomplished by the USSR just prior to the start of World War II . . . a research camp established on the drifting ice in the vicinity of the pole." [this as of March 1937]

"The drift continued for 274 days, during which the station travelled more than 2600 km, obtaining the first scientific observations from that high latitude. The crew regularly measured ocean depth, took bottom soil samples, measured water temperature, took water samples from different levels, and carried out meteorological observations."

"a second Soviet drifting station "North Pole-2" was organized and deployed in 1950."

"During the period 1937-1991, 88 polar crews occupied the ice floes for a total of 29,726 drift days, while drifting a distance of 169,654 km. The research program of the 'North Pole' drifting stations is unequalled in the 20th century by duration, variety of observational material, importance of scientific discoveries, and number of resolved problems."

And, once again, only recently, the "Russians", with an OBVIOUS EYE TO THE FUTURE and a possible re-militarization of the arctic, have revived the concept of occupying "drift" stations, for scientific purposes and perhaps even military applications!

"Only recently, in spring 2003, after a 12-year break, has the next station 'North Pole-32' been deployed."

Ice island "drifting stations" too, were crucial to an American understanding of the far north! Bases, floating, drifting ice stations, built and maintained by the U.S. MILITARY, taking a whole variety of scientific measurements, became of importance to American military planners.

Indeed, the very existence of ice islands in the Arctic was unknown to American scientists and the military until: "B-29 reconnaissance flights . . . beginning in 1946"!

"B-29 reconnaissance flights to the region [far north/Arctic Ocean] beginning in 1946. Surprisingly, several large ice masses were spotted in the deep basin, which were later determined to be icebergs which had broken off and drifted from the ancient glacial ice foot of northern Ellsmere Island."

American scientific floating ice stations, taking measurements, above and below the ice, all of which were had obvious military applications!

These Arctic Ocean ice island "drift stations", to the extent that "global warming" permits, will once again become of importance if and when - - the Arctic Ocean and environs becomes part of an "imperialist" land-grab the likes of which has not been seen in well over one hundred years??!! Russian/American/Canadian/Norwegian - - everybody will want one!


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