Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sudan vs. Israel? - - Reprise.

This is coolbert:

"The new MALE UAV [Eitan] will provide the Israel Air Force . . . [with a] reach . . . far beyond the Israeli borders."

"We operate everywhere where we can hit terror infrastructure . . . everywhere where we can hit terror infrastructure, we hit them" - - Ehud Olmert.

See the previous blog entry on this topic:

Here from the DEBKAfile web site, more yet. Maybe this is a lot of noise thrown into the wind to confuse? Just who exactly did the deed? The deed did occur, that much is certain?

"So who did bomb the Iranian arms trucks in Sudan?"

"Western imagination outdid itself Sunday, March 28, when the London Sunday Times claimed that Israeli intelligence used drones to bomb the convoy in Sudan, possibly even Eitan UAVs, whose wing span is like that of a Boeing airliner"

However, we are not done yet!

"an Egyptian newspaper Al-Shurooq Tuesday March 24, reported that in January, a US Air Force AC 130H taking off from Djibouti destroyed an Iranian arms convoy of 17 trucks in North Sudan on its way to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, killing 39 passengers."

The Masterblaster, the baddest dude, the AC-130 gunship, did the act? Obliterated a convoy within a sovereign nation that the U.S. is NOT at war with. This is a legitimate direct action under the GWOT anti-jihad rubric?

OR, was it - - the Israeli UAV Eitan that shot the hell out of that convoy? A long-range UAV with stupendous range, having the ability to carry both internal and external stores that have an OFFENSIVE CAPABILITY THAT IS FORMIDABLE.

"Heron TP (Eitan) Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) UAV"

"the 14 meter long aircraft can carry over 1,000 kg of sensors in its forward section, main payload bay . . . Other stores can be mounted along the wing, in internal and external positions. Heron TP could be fitted with wing hard-points for external stores. The aircraft is equipped with multiple datalinks, supporting line-of-sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) links via satellite communications."

"Eitan is designed to execute a large variety of operational missions, including aerial refueling and strategic missile defense . . . The new MALE UAV will provide the Israel Air Force [with] . . . [and] far beyond the Israeli borders."

Either the Israeli UAV OR the AC-130 might have employed anti-ground missiles of the Hellfire or even the Viper Strike category??

The latter - - the Viper Strike Laser Guided Weapon - - designed specifically with the UAV in mind!

We have not heard the last of this "incident"?


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