Friday, April 10, 2009


This is coolbert:

As you might expect, this sort of research is going to raise hackles, and has already raised hackles, in some quarters. Animal rights activists will not be happy with this.

"US military blew up pigs to test body armour"

Animals - - pigs - - used for military experimentation. Pigs, having body armor strapped to them, and then being exposed to IED [improvised explosive device] detonations. To see what happens.

"American military researchers have blown up live pigs dressed in body armour in an attempt to study the link between roadside bomb blasts and brain injury."

"The research determined that body armour does not worsen brain injury"

"The military had feared body armour would deflect the force of blasts toward the head and increase the risk of brain injury."

"The research also showed that body armour protected troops' lungs and was critical to surviving blasts."

The thought was - - that the SAPI [small-arms-protective-insert] type body armor - - MIGHT ACTUALLY EXACERBATE INJURIES TO THE HEAD..

This has been determined to be NOT THE CASE! The body armor does protect that vital center line of the body from lethal injury, especially the heart and lungs. AND DOES NOT AGGREVATE INJURIES TO THE HEAD!!

"pigs were good subjects because their brains are more similar to human brains . . . Pig hearts and lungs are also similar to humans."

Pigs do make excellent subjects for weapons experimentation. Internal organs are similar in size and shape as to that of a human. Observations you make regarding damage to pigs from experimentation of this sort translates well when the human anatomy is considered?


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