Thursday, April 2, 2009

Doenitz II. [Conclusion]

This is coolbert:

Thanks here to Harry and KTB

In the aftermath of World War Two, almost all German flag officers, those of general and admiral rank, were arrested by the victorious allied powers.

Held in prison while investigation was carried out. Investigation to determine if "war crimes" had been committed by the various incarcerated individuals.

Among those various flag officers, of course, was Doenitz. In those last days of the Third Reich, after the suicide of Hitler, the hand-picked successor to Adolph, designated as the "President", the man ordering the final surrender of ALL German forces.

With regard to war-time atrocities perpetrated by German forces - - from KTB:

"I [Topp] met with his aide-de-camp [Hessler?] and read the Hessler [read to Hessler the] papers about the massive executions behind the front lines . . . hundreds of Jews, Poles, and Slavs shot down. Hessler showed these papers to Doenitz and asked if the Admiral would comment. Doenitz put the paper in his pocket. Then several days later, Hessler asked again":

"'Admiral, would you comment on the papers.'"

"Doenitz was a bit upset, and said."

"'I do not know what orders Goering is giving to his air forces, or what instructions the Army Headquarters are giving to its personnel, or what the NSP (National Socialist Party) are saying because they are outside of my responsibility.'"

Topp of course is Erich Topp, the third most successful German U-boat captain of the Second World War.

Doenitz was convicted of war crimes, sentenced to twenty years, serving ten years and twenty days of incarceration before his release.

"I hear nothing, I see nothing, I know nothing!" - - Sergeant Schultz - - Hogan's Heroes.

Am I being too harsh here?


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