Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is coolbert:

Tammy goes to Washington!!

From the Chicago Tribune today:


Tammy Duckworth back in the news. A subject of a previous blog entry.


“Duckworth picked: Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs director Tammy Duckworth was nominated Tuesday to serve as an assistant secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Duckworth was a helicopter pilot in Iraq who lost both her legs in a rock propelled grenade attack in 2004.”

And also lost the partial use of one arm as well!!

Tammy is a highly motivated person of almost, perhaps is of - - NOBLE character. The type of person you want to serve in Washington! This is a good pick!! Regardless of party affiliation, she will do well and always have the best interests of veterans at heart. Especially those disabled and victims of combat! She is one herself, after all!


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