Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is coolbert:

From the Chicago Tribune of this last Saturday:


"In 1945 Pvt. Eddie Slovik became the only U.S. soldier since the Civil War to be executed for desertion as he was shot by an American firing squad in France."

This entry from the Almanac is not quite correct. Slovik was executed for desertion IN THE FACE OF THE ENEMY! 22,000 troops deserted during World War Two, Slovik the only man being executed. Eddie, however, deserted his unit during combat, while "in the face of the enemy"! A much more serious crime that mere desertion. Forty such persons were sentenced to death for the more serious and egregious form of desertion, Slovik ALONE being shot.

See previous blog entries on Eddie here and here. In some circles, the case of Eddie remains a cause celebre'?

"cause cé·lè·bre' - - An issue arousing widespread controversy or heated public debate. A celebrated legal case."


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