Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This is coolbert: Nimitz.

Have been watching - - sporadically - - the documentary “Carrier” on public broadcast television.

About the U.S. aircraft carrier Nimitz and a recent deployment of same.

Pretty well done program. A documentary primarily concentrating on the various roles, duties and relationships of the lower ranking enlisted, men and women both.

On the Nimitz [other naval vessels also?], a lot of emphasis is placed upon:

* Preventing racial discord. If you are written up for disparaging racial comments or actions, you are punished and made to wear a tag with a big letter “R” on it. [for racialist obviously]

* Preventing unwanted sexual misconduct between the male and female sailors.

* Proper comportment and demeanor during port calls. Drunkenness, abusive and foolish behavior strictly punished. The desire is to impress and not offend the locals, of whatever nationality.

At one point in the documentary, the Nimitz had to pass through the Strait of Malacca. On route to station in the Persian Gulf. During the transit of this ancient and famous choke point [Malacca], the crew was on special alert to ward off small boat attack.

Prevent a jihadi attack of the type that severely crippled the U.S.S. Cole. Little putt-putt boat crammed with high explosive approaches the Nimitz, detonates, leaving a gaping hole. NOT necessarily sinking the carrier, but causing enough damage to abort the mission.

Crewmembers in the old-fashioned manner manning stations preparing to repel attackers. Equipped with a variety of small arms to include:

* Fifty caliber [.50] and M60 [7.62 mm] machine guns.

* M-16 and M-14 rifles.

Additionally, attack [?] helicopters flying off the Nimitz constantly hovering and circling the mother ship [Nimitz], constantly on the watch for potential threat.

[the Nimitz needs to have several Marine AH-1 Z version Huey Cobra attack “choppers” on board? That would greatly enhance protection during such transits? I would also equip those enlisted personnel with the antiquated but still effective 106 mm recoilless rifle, firing the "beehive” flechette round. Able to send any prospective jihadi “martyrs” to the seventy-two black eyed virgins in a HURRY!!]

In addition, I would not preclude the possibility of SMALL AIRCRAFT ATTACK. A private plane or helicopter carrying a goodly amount of explosive OR EVEN BOARDERS TO LAND ON THE FLIGHT DECK, ATTEMPTING TO PENETRATE THE INSIDE OF THE SHIP!!

[a helicopter carrying armed jihadi, a squad sized element or so, equipped with small arms, adorned with suicide explosive vests, landing on the deck of the carrier and attempting to penetrate the interior of the vessel. An attack that would have be repelled by crew members of the Nimitz using small arms, boots, fists, lengths of steel pipe, etc.]

The enlisted crewmembers of the Nimitz have Stinger type peashooter shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles at their disposal?

[the former SEAL Marcinko related that one occasion, a Navy SEAL team as part of a penetration exercise, was able to land, undeterred, via helicopter, on the deck of an aircraft carrier, assault the bridge, CAPTURING AND COMPROMISING THE ENTIRE SHIP IN THE PROCESS!!]

Modern day sailors of the U.S. Navy are no longer just technologists. Have to be able to pick up whatever implement or small arm is at hand, and fight to repel boarders or attackers, and do so at a moments notice?


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