Thursday, February 5, 2009

MSR Afghan III [Conclusion] - - Danger.

This is coolbert:

From the Chicago Tribune today:

More items regarding the Afghan MSR [main supply route] peril and the impending build-up [surge] of U.S. troops in Afghan.

1. "Plan to shut U.S. base sign of Russia’s sway"

"Krygyzstan gets $2B from Kremlin, would cut key supply route"

"MOSCOW – At a time when the U.S. urgently needs alternative supply routes into Afghanistan, the sudden announcement that Kyrgyzstan planned to shut down a vital American air base poses two new challenges for the Obama administration: Central Asian haggling and Russia’s determination to keep the U.S. out of its backyard.”

This is the Manas Air base:

“The U.S. has been operating an air base in northern Kyrgyzstan since 2001, when American troops invaded Afghanistan to outs the Taliban regime and Al Qaeda fighters.”

“Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin said Russia already has told Washington it wants to provide alternative supply routes to Afghanistan.”

This is "let us make a deal stuff"? The Russians are able to impede one supply route through machinations, and then offer you to provide alternative routes. All for some sort of price determined by negotiations of course!!

2. "Russia opens supply routes for Obama era"

“MOSCOW - - The Kremlin’s decision to allow transport of U.S. and NATO supplies through Russia to Afghanistan appears to reflect its willingness to ease tension with Washington now that President Barack Obama is in office.”

“'We are ready to work on the most acute issues, such as . . . deliveries of non-military cargo.’” - - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

“In November, Russia permitted the use of its rail lines to transport supplies to Afghanistan - - but only for troops from Spain and Germany, which have amicable relations with Moscow.”

3. "With Shelves bare at U.S. bases and more troops on the way, the search is on for better shipping routes"

The shortage of basic quality of life goods at the base store at U.S. military’s Camp Phoenix is now acute. NON-MILITARY items are in short supply or non-existent! Items such as:

* "Milk is now pulled from the mess hall by 9 a.m."
* "Irish Spring Body Wash"
* "Doritos"
* "Tostitos Scoops"
* "Bayer Aspirin"
* "Most snacks"
* "half the beauty products"
* "all the adapter plugs"
* "combination locks"
* "Vaseline"

“Sensitive military goods, such as weapons and ammunition, are transported by military convoy or air, and have not been hurt by supply-route problems”


* Non-military goods are in short supply. Interdiction by various hostile elements to the Khyber Pass MSR is hurting. BUT NOT with regard, at least so far, to military supply goods?

* Patton's Third Army during the winter of 1944-1945 suffered MORE casualties from trench foot than from combat action with the German. Patton as a remedy proposed to provide a pair a brand new wool socks per day to each troop. This proposal was rejected as being too difficult to implement. Supply routes, at the same time, however, kept the Third Army overloaded with cases of Coca-Cola and face cream [a cosmetic]!! Coke si - - socks no!!

* Those American/NATO troops in Afghan had better be prepared to march their way out of that country and find an access route to the sea if necessary. Forget the Tostitos, body-wash and vaseline! You will need good shoe leather, warm clothes, and plenty of rounds of ammo to fight your way out of Afghan. If and when disaster strikes!

I hate to sound negative, but always in the back of my mind is the British - - Kabul - - Christmas - - 1842!!

Petraeus - - get it right dude!!


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