Monday, January 12, 2009

Mission Accomplished?

This is coolbert:

Here from the last news conference at the very end of his Presidency, according to George Bush the Younger:

"Bush's final press conference: 'Mission accomplished' was a mistake"


"when you look back over the long arc of your presidency, do you think in retrospect that you have made any mistakes? And, if so, what is the single biggest mistake that you may have made?"


"Clearly, putting a 'mission accomplished' on a (sic) aircraft carrier was a mistake. It sent the wrong message. We were trying to say something differently, but, nevertheless, it conveyed a different message."


The President was NOT trying to say something different, and did not send the wrong message.

"Mission accomplished" was not a mistake. In the context, "mission accomplished" meant, at the time, AND CORRECTLY SO, an end to military activities in Iraq at corps level and greater.

Victory had been achieved over the Iraqi military, Iraq had been "liberated", the despotic regime of Saddam deposed. All this was done and done with panache', in an admirable fashion!!

As defined, a cessation to military activities at corps level or greater, mission - - was accomplished!!

That banner was correct, and unashamedly so!!

Do I have dissenters??!!



  1. I have been trying to explain this to people for a long time. No dissenters.

  2. ""Mission accomplished" was not a mistake. In the context, "mission accomplished" meant, at the time, AND CORRECTLY SO, an end to military activities in Iraq at corps level and greater."

    In the words of Winston Churchill, "True but not exhaustive."

    It would be cold comfort to the mother of some soldier killed next week.

    It is hollow to celebrate the result of a mission when there is no victory in THE WAR.
