Sunday, January 25, 2009


This is coolbert:

Bad press?

"Israeli PM in war crimes pledge"

"Any Israeli soldiers accused of war crimes in the Gaza Strip will be given state protection from prosecution overseas, the country's PM [Olmert] has said."

The Israeli Prime Minister, Olmert, is taking great pains to assure those Israeli troops just recently involved in the incursion into Gaza, that they will be protected from prosecution for war crimes. Foreign entities, Belgium for instance, may issue warrants for the arrest of Israeli troops and demand extradition? It is possible!!

The Israeli military is accused by some of perpetrating war crimes in Gaza! Crimes to include:

* Use of excessive and disproportionate force in a populated area.
* Use of white phosphorus [WP] in a populated area.
* Disregard for the safety of civilian vehicles [ambulances for instance].
* Use of “diabolical” weaponry that causes unnecessary suffering [DIME].

And WERE any Israeli troops ever charged with war crimes from the events of 2009? Understand the Israeli for their own reasons will NEVER countenance any of their military personnel to be extradited for trial in a foreign court!


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