Sunday, December 14, 2008

Money I.

This is coolbert:

“'4 x 10” rule – “10 men + 10 weeks + $10,000 = 10,000-pound bomb.' - - Michael Sheehan, the former counter terrorism director for the New York Police Department"

"Al-Qaida's budget slips through the cracks
U.S. clamps down on banking transactions; terror group finds new funding

"Intelligence agencies scan phone conversations, e-mails, fax transmissions and instant message traffic for hints they have thwarted the flow of money to al-Qaida and other jihadist groups. But they are unable to get a firmer grasp on the overall state of terrorist finances, in part, because of the nature of most operations."

"'Terrorism is unfortunately not a rich man's sport,' . . . meaning that it does not take a lot of money to carry out a major attack. Tracking those small numbers in the vast sea of global financial transactions is difficult."

Here some estimated [and that word estimated is used loosely] "costs" incurred while planning, train, putting into operation, and bringing to violent fruition various terrorist attacks. INCLUDING THE ATTACK ON WTC [911] !!:

* — 1993 – World Trade Center, New York – approximately $31,000
* — 1998 – U.S Embassy Attacks, Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – less than $50,000
* — 2000 – USS Cole, Aden, Yemen -- $5,000 to $10,000
* — 2001 – September 11 attacks, New York and Washington -- $400,000 to $500,000.
* — 2002 – Nightclub bombings, Bali, Indonesia -- $75,000 to $80,000
* — 2003 – Attacks on two Jewish synagogues, British consulate and HSBC banking offices, Istanbul, Turkey -- $50,000
* — 2004 – Commuter train bombings, Madrid -- $10,000.
* — 2005 – Underground Attacks, London – No more than $14,000,.

Sources: United Nations, Central Intelligence Agency, US Department of Justice, 9-11 Commission.

Cheap! Very cheap!

And again, "not a rich man's sport" - - but being played by rich men. Osama bin Laden has vast millions at his disposal. I bet too that a lot of those rich, extremely wealthy Saudi also contribute under the table.

Terrorism of the Mumbai variety is dirt-cheap but has consequences that cost the victim enormous sums, now and into the far-off distant future.


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