Saturday, November 15, 2008


This is coolbert:

Thanks here to the British TimesOnLine:

"'Robin Hood’ dishes out Nato booty"

Well, this is what I have been afraid of. The Taliban villains have gotten it into their heads that the way to defeat NATO and American forces in Afghan is to cut and interdict that main supply route [MSR] passing through the Khyber Pass!

70 % of all supplies used by NATO and American forces currently in Afghan transits the Khyber. And the locals are waging war in the time-honored guerrilla partisan tradition so dear to their hearts!

If that MSR is cut, it is "curtains" for the NATO/American mission in Afghan? I fear it is so!

"A Taliban 'Robin Hood', who distributes cut-price food from Nato convoys to the poor, is disrupting supply lines to British and US troops in Afghanistan."

"In an audacious raid in Pakistan’s border region last week, two American Humvee armoured personnel carriers and 10 lorries laden with food were seized by Taliban fighters."

"In the past year the Taliban have increased attacks on convoys carrying hardware, food and oil as they make their way from Karachi to Peshawar and through the Khyber Pass."

"Lorry-loads of hijacked grain have been sold off cheaply in local markets and the Humvees paraded as war 'booty', giving the rebels a propaganda boost. More than 30 tankers with fuel bound for allied forces have been destroyed in bomb attacks on the road this year."

"The Taliban commander who led the raids, Mustafa Kamran Hijrat, told The Sunday Times last week that he planned to sever the allied supply lines."

"Hijrat claims to have hundreds of fighters under his command, although local officials estimate his force at no more than 200."

Even a force of no more than 200 can do A LOT OF DAMAGE! 200 skilled and determined figthers can do great damage and make the route cost prohibitive. Imperiling the entire Afghan mission?

"The Humvees, Hijrat boasted, were 'maal-e-ghaneemat' or booty. They were seized on Monday as the Taliban launched three ambushes on a 12-vehicle convoy as it wound through hairpin bends on the approach to the Khyber Pass."

Right! Mustafa is fighting in the Islamic tradition. Islamic "warriors" fight in large measure NOT ONLY for what they perceive as legitimate jihad, BUT TO GAIN BOOTY AT THE SAME TIME. A JIHADIST LOOKS FORWARD TO BECOMING WEALTHY IF POSSIBLE FROM BOOTY OBTAINED FROM THE VANQUISHED ENEMY!

King of the Khyber Rifles, where are you when we need you??!!

OH, I am telling you people, this is going to go from bad to worse!


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