Tuesday, November 18, 2008


This is coolbert:

Here is another instance of the most amazing and desperate guerrilla warfare.

A totally distinct and unique ethnic group, fighting for their liberty against the most impossible of odds!

The Maroons!!

Black African slaves, taken to work on the plantations of Dutch Guiana [modern-day Suriname], escaping into the jungle, establishing river settlements, re-creating African village life as practiced in the 1700’s, waging - - quite successfully - - guerrilla warfare against the armies of the Dutch colonialists and the outraged “planters”!

Rebellion and guerrilla warfare outstandingly chronicled by several European authors:

"'The Boni Maroon Wars in Suriname' by Wim S.M. Hoogbergen gives an overall picture of the history of the Aluku, or Boni, in Suriname from their origins until 1860 . . . Another author who wrote on the Boni history is John Gabriel Stedman."

With special regard to Stedman:

"His [Stedman] years in Surinam were characterized by encounters with African slaves and colonial planters as well as the exotic local flora and fauna. He recorded his experiences in 'The Narrative of a Five Years Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam' (1796) which, with its firsthand depictions of slavery and other aspects of colonization, became an important tool in the early abolitionist cause."

[please note the photo accompanying this blog entry. That is Stedman standing over the captured Maroon? Dressed in European fashion with weapons, EXCEPT NO FOOTWARE! Boots and other shoes would NOT HAVE LASTED VERY LONG IN THE FETID, HUMID, JUNGLE CLIMATE OF SURINAME!! An impediment to movement!]


"after several unsuccessful campaigns against the Maroons, the European authorities signed several peace treaties with them in the 19th century, granting the Maroons sovereign status and trade rights."

These black African slaves, escaping to freedom, became known as the MAROONS! Suriname is perhaps the archetype, and most famous of all the slave rebellions of this nature. Suriname was NOT an isolated example of this form of behavior!! Maroon settlements were and to some extent STILL ARE found throughout South America and the Caribbean!! Escaped African slaves, seeking freedom from their brutal masters, creating communities - - again - - that for all purposes are identical to African village life of the 1700’s. And having to wage and live in a state of continuous warfare the entire time!!

Guerrillas, fighting using the most primitive and improvised of weaponry. Stone implements [hatchets], spears, bow and arrow, their bare hands when nothing else was available, AND WHAT WEAPONS THEY COULD CAPTURE FROM THE PURSUING MILITARY FORCES OF THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT!

Please do not think, however, that the Maroons are a thing of the past. Maroon settlements are still to be found in Suriname. Persons living the jungle-river lifestyle of their ancestors, wary and cautious when dealing with outsiders. AND, as late as the 1990’s [!!!], again, still in a state of rebellion. This is the Jungle Commando. Rebellious Maroons, following in the tradition of their ancestors, waging unconventional warfare against the oppressive “central government” of Delano Bouterse!

Maroons of Suriname, still ready to take to the "bush" and fight in the ancient and traditional way!!

These Maroons merit our highest respect. There is NOTHING “chickenshit” about these people.


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