Friday, October 3, 2008

Sons of the Elite

This is coolbert:

Here is a trend - - somewhat surprising, but nonetheless, gratifying:

Children of American political elites, volunteering for military service, and deploying to a combat zone, in some capacity.

Children to include:

* The son of Mayor Daley, of Chicago. An enlisted man, a paratrooper, an infantryman, deployed to Afghan with the 82nd Airborne Division.

* The son of Governor Palin of Alaska, a private, an enlisted man, deploying to Iraq with his unit, just last month. Whether Track, the son, is serving as a U.S. Army regular or a member of the National Guard is unclear to me.

* The son of Joe Biden, a Captain in the Delaware National Guard [and as a civilian, serving in the capacity of Attorney General for his home state], deploying overseas, right now, as we speak.

* The son of Senator Webb, a Marine, already having seen a combat tour in Iraq.

* The sons of John Mc Cain, one an Annapolis grad, the other an enlisted man in the Marines, the former doing duty in Iraq right now, the latter having had several tours in Iraq.

Normally, the children of the professional and managerial class in America, elites, eschew military service? Abhor the idea [military service] from the get-go! Those persons that a society would expect to be the natural leaders ARE NOT SO!!

And, for the monied or blue-blood class, even worse! The children of the rich, the very rich, and the ultra-rich, are generally useless persons, dissolute in many cases, NOT GOOD FOR ANYTHING!?

"'The elite in this country are practically the least capable of governing. I mean that. When you find what is happening to the children of the so-called better families.'"

"'Believe me, that's where the real problem is. They should be leading, they should be standing up. But the fashionable thing for them is to, you know, go to pot, or worse.'" - - President Richard Nixon, in conversation with Sammy Davis Jr.

Times have changed? Persons, people, and ideals have changed? For the better?

If so, bully!!


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