Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This is coolbert:

"it doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, only that it catches mice!"

From the Chicago Tribune yesterday:

Once again, an indication that the FARC, the Colombian guerrilla group, at one time controlling a goodly portion of Colombia, is coming apart at the seams. This time, a Colombian legislator, held prisoner for eight years, has walked to freedom - - accompanied by the youthful rebel who was his [the legislator] captor.

"Colombian captive and jailer flee"

"Desertion and escape are dual blows to rebels"

"BOGOTA, Colombia - A 62 year-old lawmaker held captive eight years by leftist rebels walked to freedom in a western Colombian jungle, on Sunday along with the young guerrilla commander, who had been his jailer."

"Presidente Alvaro Uribe [of Colombia] said the rebel and his girlfriend would be rewarded with cash and asylum in France."

"Colombia's military has put pressure on the guerrillas, known as FARC since early 2007, killing or capturing top commanders and spurring record desertions and betrayals among rebels with lucrative reward offers."

"Uribe said 'Isaza' [the youthful rebel captor] would received a reward - - . . . about $400,000 and asylum in France along with his girlfriend."

Well, another FARC bites the dust - - a captive is repatriated - - all is well that ends well. "Isaza" and his girlfriend can lead a comfortable life of leisure now?

Paying off the rebel is a cost efficient way to do business? A lot of folks would prefer that things NOT be done this way? Rewarding "Isaza" for his misbehavior is NOT perceived as a totally just end to the situation?

One method by which the Huk rebellion in the Philippines was suppressed was to offer the guerrilla fighters [mostly landless peasants] plots of land, free acreage, in return for surrender. Under certain circumstances, the carrot-and-stick approach DOES work well to combat insurgencies. Keep up unremitting pressure militarily, and, at the same time, offering inducements - - encouraging desertions from among the ranks of the guerillas!!

Those FARC guerrillas have been out there in the jungle fighting for over forty years now. With no end in sight, and the situation now rapidly now going "sour", cash rewards in return for surrender and asylum/amnesty is the way to go?


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