Sunday, October 12, 2008

Afghan II.

This is coolbert:

More headlines from Afghan. This time, a ray of hope?

"Revealed: secret Taliban peace bid Saudis are sponsoring a peace dialogue involving a former senior member of the hard line group"

It is an open secret now - - that the Saudi - - using their influence and their "good offices", are attempting to start negotiations between the central Afghan government in Kabul and the various elements of the Taliban. Some of those "elements" being open to negotiations?

Talks, negotiations, dialog, whatever you want to call it, between, "Karzai and the Taliban ally Gulbuddin Hekmatyar"!

"The Taliban have been engaged in secret talks about ending the conflict in Afghanistan in a wide-ranging 'peace process' sponsored by Saudi Arabia and supported by Britain"

At least one element of the Taliban at any rate. Hekmatyar is a Taliban warlord with some autonomy and some gumption to seek an accommodation where other Taliban will not?

One would like to hope that there can be a negotiated end to the insurgency in Afghan. This would be for the good. Accede to certain demands of the Taliban or elements thereof AND IN RETURN NOT ONLY GET A CESSATION TO THE FIGHTING AND A RETURN TO NORMALCY, BUT PERHAPS EVEN ACHIEVE ANOTHER OBJECTIVE!! DRIVE A WEDGE BETWEEN THE TALIBAN AND AL QAEDA, PLACING THE LATTER IN A PRECARIOUS SITUATION!!

"One aim of the initiative is to drive a wedge between Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda and the Taliban."

Keep your hopes up, but with reservations until we see something concrete:

"[negotiations] in recent weeks they had 'lost momentum'. According to Afghan government officials in Kabul, the intensity of the fighting this summer has been one factor. Another is the inconsistency of the Taliban's demands."

"The Taliban are understood to have submitted a list of 11 conditions for ending hostilities, which include demands to be allowed to run key ministries and a programmed withdrawal of western troops."

"Previously Taliban spokesmen have said that only the departure of foreign troops, the institution of a fiercely rigorous interpretation of sharia law and a share of government would be acceptable to them as the basis for any deal."

Negotiations with the Taliban CAN work? In that part of the world, EVERYTHING IS SUBJECT TO NEGOTIATIONS? RUG SALESMEN MAKING BIDS AND COUNTER-BIDS?

And as for driving a wedge between the Taliban and Al Qaeda, this IDEA HAS GREAT MERIT!! Treachery can be obtained through careful negotiations? Perhaps so!


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