Sunday, September 21, 2008

Russian Navy

This is coolbert:

More very alarming headlines. THIS STUFF HAS NOT BEEN COVERED IN THE MSM [main stream media]!

Thanks here to the DEBKAfile.

1. "Big Russian flotilla led by Admiral Kuznetsov carrier heads for Syrian port"

August 26, 2008, 9:21 AM (GMT+02:00)

"military sources disclose that a powerful Russian naval contingent, led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov , left Murmansk on the Barents Sea Aug. 18 to dock at the Syrian Mediterranean port of Tartus Saturday, Aug. 23. It includes the Russian Navy’s biggest missile cruiser Moskva and at least four nuclear missile submarines."

FIVE DAYS only for the Russian "naval contingent" to steam all the way from Murmansk to Tartus in Syria? Seems awfully fast for that distance?"

2. Ten Russian warships have docked at Syrian port"

September 18, 2008, 9:50 PM (GMT+02:00)

"Israeli military and naval commanders were taken by surprise by Rear Adm. Andrei Baranov's disclosure that 10 Russian warships are already anchored at the Syrian port of Tartus"

"The Russians are making no secret of their intention of using their naval presence in Syrian ports as a deterrent to a possible Israeli air strike against Syria"

Again, Russian intervention, machinations, intrigue and meddling in the Middle East. Russians again taking the sides of the Arab powers vis-a-vis Israel. Israel got a twenty year or so respite from the Russians and now has to confront the "threat" again? This does greatly complicates any possibility of successful American brokered negotiations in the region, an Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities, etc.!

I have always thought that one reason Yasser Arafat did seek negotiations with the Israeli, Oslo accords and such, was because of the demise of the Soviet Union. Without the backing of the Soviets, Arafat saw that his options were now much more limited. Israel was not going to magically go "poof" and disappear.



1 comment:

  1. If they want the Middle East, let 'em have it.

    I'd like to know what good it's doing us?
