Thursday, August 28, 2008

Northwest Passage

This is coolbert:

From the Chicago Tribune today:

"World Briefing."


"Rule bolsters claim to Arctic waters."

"TUKTOYAKTUK - - Canada’s prime minister moved to firm up control of disputed Arctic waters Wednesday, announcing stricter registration requirements for ships sailing in the Northwest Passage."

"registration [with Canadian authorities for ships sailing the Northwest Passage] is currently voluntary."

"Most countries, including the United States, consider the Northwest Passage to be international waters."

"This land is my land [Canada] - - and the contiguous waters thereof too!!" - - Bert.

Waters - - such as the Northwest Passage, once NOT navigable most of year, NOW, because of global warming, will become ice–free most of the year and open to INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING!!

The exercise of Canadian dominion over what it perceives as its arctic territories IS a matter of concern to the authorities in Ottawa. As well it should be. The Arctic regions will become a point of contention in the not so far off future? Already we see signs of this? Russians placing a placard on the ocean bottom at the North Pole, etc.

Plan to see an increased Canadian military presence in those areas adjacent to arctic waters. Also expect more activity by the Canadian Rangers too. SOV PATS [sovereignty patrols] demonstrating occupation and control of lands sparsely populated.


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