Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is coolbert:

I had forgotten about these guys. Berbers from the High Atlas mountains of Morocco. volunteers for the SPANISH ARMY, regular, full-time serving troops.

Akin to the goumiers [goum] of the French Army. The goum! A popular topic of mine for which a number of previous blog entries have been made.

See here and here for previous blog entries regarding the goum!

"Regulares (Spanish for "Regulars", officially called the Fuerzas Regulares Indígenas) was the name commonly used to designate the volunteer infantry and cavalry units of the Spanish Army recruited in Spanish Morocco. They consisted of Moroccans officered by Spaniards. These Moroccan troops played a major role in the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). They were known for their ability to traverse "dead ground" without being detected."

Soldiers, volunteers from the High Atlas mountains, renowned for their ability in mountain warfare, adept at camouflage, concealment, silent movement in mountainous terrain, often in the dark. Persons from poverty stricken backgrounds, accustomed to hard living, making for good soldiers. NOT above fighting and doing well in a no-quarters given, close-combat type of situation. Tough men who fight in a tough manner.

These goum like soldiers did play an important role in the Spanish Civil War! Were the spearhead for the rebellion initiated by Franco and what became known as the Nationalist forces. Berber tribesmen above parochial concerns, obedient to their officers, politically reliable troops NOT above cutting throats and taking ears as souvenirs on command!

"In 1936 the Army of Africa, [including] Moroccan regiments, joined the rebellion led by General Franco against the Republican Government in Madrid. . . . The professionalism (and undoubted brutality) of the Army of Africa played a major part in early Nationalist successes . . . they retained a key role as shock troops until the end of the Civil War and were conspicuous in Franco's victory parade in Madrid in 1939."

[the above particular extract of course taken from the wiki entry!]

There is something missing from the wiki entry that should have been included? Regulares [Muslims] , while digging entrenchments or constructing strong points, would unearth buried statues of the Virgin Mary. STATUES DATING TO THE VISIGOTH TIMES [EIGHTH CENTURY A.D.] AND ORIGINALLY BURIED BY CHRISTIANS TO PREVENT THEIR DESTRUCTION BY THE ISLAMIC INVADER.

The Nationalists were able to make a lot of propaganda - - favorable to their cause - - out of these discoveries! IT SEEMED TO SAY THAT GOD WAS ON THE SIDE OF FRANCO AND HIS FORCES - - EVEN IF A GOODLY PORTION OF THEM WERE MUSLIMS!!


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